I will no longer be teaching classes. I will leave the page up for information purposes. I believe that Keeping bees reuires some dedicated learning and initial expense. The information below will be out of date but still useful to get you thinking.
EAS-Certified Master Beekeeper Ray Lackey, Grand Rapids Area Beekeepers Club, is offering a single beekeeping course in 2024 for the absolute beginner, novice beekeeper but a beekeeper with less than 5-years’ experience will probably learn a few things. Our instructor has been keeping bees for more than 40 years and received his Master Beekeeper Certification in 1995. He regularly speaks at garden clubs, schools and bee clubs on beekeeping and bees and has taught over 200 beekeepers. All classes will be taught at our home bee yard, 428 108th St. SE, Caledonia, MI 49316.
Only one Beginner class format is offered this years: One-day Crash Course, 7.5 hours class-time, 8:15 AM to 4:15 PM on a Saturday.
First year costs for starting a single bee hive are easily $750 and, since I recommend at least two hives, you should plan on spending over $1500 the first year. Help ensure your success and preserve your investment by taking a class to get you started right! Beekeepers with a couple of years of experience find this class a good refresher. You shouldn’t have to spend much more for the next few years.
We have given these classes in other venues at nature centers and parks. Hosting a One-day Crash course is simple in that you only need classroom and lunch area. If interested, contact us to discuss potential.
We must have at least 7 in a class to continue with that class so pick a class and tell your friends! If the class is cancelled due to insufficient registration, I will contact you with option of other classes or tear up check. No checks will be deposited until the class is a go.
Crash Course: This is a condensation of the season-long class without any bee yard time. You can take the course to improve your beekeeping, start your bees this year or in preparation for a possible future start. The fee is $100, including text book, Pizza lunch and snacks at breaks. (Couples or a second family member can attend for an additional $75.) I am going to offer one class on Saturday February 24. Please arrive punctually so that we can get started on time. We have a lot to cover.
I am having special Classes on March 2 for 4-H families interested in starting bees. If you know of kids interested in bees, this is an opportunity for them and their parents to learn what is involved. You do not have to be a current 4-Her to attend. Generally geared for ages 9 and up but the 4-H program has a younger project in bees as well. Contact me directly if interested. (This is a possible alternative if you are not able to attend the February 24 date.)
Session NCRS1 (Novice CRash Saturday-1) – February 24. 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM;
If you want to sign up for a class, send a check made out to “Sweet Pines Apiary”, to the following address: 428 108th St. SE, Caledonia, MI 49316, indicating which class, providing name, address, phone numbers, email address and describe your beekeeping background and goals. I will especially need to know if you plan on starting a hive this year and need assistance in getting the bees and equipment.
You can also respond with the required information via email and send the check separately and I will register you with the email, pending receipt of check unless we hit the class limit in which case we will use rule of first paid, first accepted to confirm your registration so we can notify those that did not get the class day they desired. We will be using the book “Beekeeping Basics” from Penn State and will provide the book at the first class.
If interested in a class not offered or not meeting your current schedule, and are interested in information should one be formed, fill out the form below and indicate interest. You should also follow my Facebook page: Sweet Pines Apiary.
In supplying registration information, please complete this form (preferably copy and paste into your email -format set to HTML – to save manual entry and potential errors) and print to send with check:
Email to: lackeyray@tianca.com I will confirm receipt of registration and again when check is received.
Name, Last: | |
Name, First: | |
Mailing address: | |
City: | |
State: | |
Zip: | |
Principle Phone: | |
Cell if different: | |
Email address: | |
Beekeeping experience: | |
Beekeeping class of interest: | |
Starting bees this year? |
Would you like to host a one-day crash course, customized to your group? Contact me if you are interested. |