Below are my plans. Remember that “the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” I am posting this now because I promised to post information after the New Year so that people could make their plans. Nuc schedule should stay the same .
Queens – too early but I do plan on selling mated queens, fully developed queen cells and 72 hr queen cells. These will be from an artificially inseminated (AI) Varroa Supressive Hygienic (VSH) queen, mated locally in an area populated with my overwintered F2 stock, greater genetic diversity. Would you pay $400 for a queen? I did, for the AI VSH queen because I believe we need to improve our stock and this is a trait I believe to be beneficial. The VSH queen is of the VSH Pol-line 2.2 line from VP Queens. This line carries the VSH gene but has been selected for field performance. Watch for an update in May. All drones produced by an F1 VSH queen will carry the VSH gene to introduce into surrounding stock mating to improve mite resistance to an area.
Nucs – Schedule depending upon spring. I will be selling Michigan overwintered nucs with a queen from last year, VSH Poll-line, F1 queens.
AN – ready the first week in April at $180 for either a 5-Frame Deep or a 6-Frame Medium nuc, boxes returned. These are not for the novice with no drawn comb. Every year, there are the nucs that have wintered so strong that they will likely swarm before too long. They are for deadout repopulation and will use that extra room to grow quickly. They will likely build up and could be split this year. Very much dependent upon weather as I must be able to get in and examine the brood at least twice before being delivered to verify growth.
MN – ready the first week in May at $170 for either a 5-Frame Deep or a 6-Frame Medium nuc, boxes returned.
JN – I will then have spring nucs with a 2024 queen VSH Poll-line, F2 queens, ready the first week in June at $150 for either a 5-Frame Deep or a 6-Frame Medium nuc, boxes returned.
Each class of nucs will be available in limited number and not easily forecasted. Thus, to book a nuc, send an email to me ( with the highest class of nuc you are willing to book and I will reply within a week whether I think I can supply it. I will then set up a pickup date and time.
I am downsizing so I am selling off some of my old Nuc equipment. You can buy the delivery box rather than returning. Prices are $30 for the used styrofoam nuc, $40 for a 6-frame nuc or its equivalent BB, Medium box and outer cover.